Q1. An Introduction and Background discussion on mythology of forecasting.
Forecasting is the means of judging, calculating or predicting an estimation of a set of conditions, values or events that have yet to happen and will be likely to take place in the future.
Forecasting plays a big role in our daily life as well as making strategic decision in any major organization.
We forecast on how long will the bus arrive, we forecast on who will win the next world cup competition.
In the corporate world, managers relies on forecasts and predictions on future sales and economics outlook to make important decision. From hiring extra workers to cope with the increasing number of customers to building multi-millions condominium to cater to the rising demand of housing needs.
Forecasting methods can be categorised into quantitative or qualitative.
Qualitative methods:
Delphi method
A group of experts were asked to provide their forecast on specific area of interests. The initial forecasts of all the experts were then made known to all and they were ask to provide a second forecast. The process will be repeated til the forecast narrows down to a degree of consensus.
Expert Judgment
A panel of expects coming together to make a forecast based on the relevant field. The panel of expect will draw on the information available and their own expertise and knowledge to arrive at a combined conclusion.
Scenario Writing
Many scenarios are created based on the different assumptions. The decision maker will then decide which is the scenario with the highest chances of happening and plan accordingly.
Intuitive approaches.
A group of people were ask to provide any ideas, expectations or opinions in regards to a specified area of interest, under no restriction, limits, peer pressure or any form of criticism.
Quantitative method
Causal forecasting
It is forecasting technique based on the assumption that the variable that we are forecasting on has a cause-and effect relationship with another variable/variables.
time series
It is a method of forecasting based on past data or model to forecast future movements or events.
The component of time series include :
Trend component - refer as the gradual change of value over time.
Cyclical component - refer as the alternating sequence of value beyond or over the trend line, a fall of value follow by a increase and then a fall and a increase and so on over time.
Seasonal Componenet -refer as the changes of the values due to seasonal movement over time
Irregular Component - refer as the changes of values cause by sudden, unexpected and one-time off events or factors, over time
Smoothing methods :
Moving Averages
Weighted Moving Averages
Exponential Smoothing
The purpose of smoothing methods is to even out the random changes caused by the irregular component.
Trend projection refers to using the rate of changes base on the past value to forecast a specific value in a specific point of time in the future, assuming that the rate of changes remains relatively stable.